Brian Jones
A Rock ‘n’ Roll Retreat at Cotchford Farm
Brian Jones
Cotchford Farm holds a unique place in rock ‘n’ roll history as the former residence of Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones). From November 1968 until his untimely passing in July 1969, Jones sought respite from the whirlwind of his rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle at Cotchford Farm, finding solace and inspiration within its idyllic surroundings.
As you explore the grounds of Cotchford Farm, imagine Jones strolling through the gardens, finding inspiration in the serene surroundings. The swimming pool, where he took refreshing dips, remains as a reminder of his time spent here..

The final photographs
The last known photographs of Brian Jones in his iconic striped T-shirt and trousers were taken by Helen Spittal, who visited Brian and Anna Wohlin at Cotchford Farm on Thursday, 12 June 1969.
These photographs form part of the rich cultural history of Cotchford Farm and Helen has very kindly granted permission for the use of these photographs on our website and for copies to be displayed inside the house. At the time these photographs were taken, Helen made a promise to Brian that she would never sell or grant permission for copies of these photographs to be sold. A promise she has kept and intends to keep forever.
“Brian and I talked endlessly that day as he showed me around the gardens and the house, of which he was so proud.”
“I recall Brian was very relaxed and positive about the future, and he was happy. He discussed his plans to form a new band and played me the Creedence Clearwater Revival album from which he was drawing inspiration at the time.”
“We had planned to take a walk down to Pooh Sticks Bridge, but when he saw the shoes I was wearing, we decided against trekking through Ashdown Forest.”
“I want to play my kind of music, which is no longer the Stones music”
– Brian Jones-
Immerse yourself in Brian Jones’ remarkable legacy, where echoes of his presence resonate through the rooms at Cotchford Farm. Discover the enduring impact of this influential figure and the indelible mark he left on world of rock ‘n’ roll.